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Wednesday, 28 July 2010



 I came out my house to go get the MILK I was craving for yeah for my Cheerios from what TWO DAYS AGO out my mums car then this guy catches me off guard asking for directions to this road, that is Literally Just the next road. So I'm there proper givin him directions cos im like 
'yayy i kno were this is i can actually help him out here'

    Then he interrupts me in mid speech "you have beautiful eyes" ..ah..thanks :) So u keep going str8 then u take a right  "to be honest i dont actually need directions I just wanted to get ur attention"
    Ah o.ka.y "So whats your name?" .......NAOMI (This is the name i give to ppl I can tell are not quite together upstairs) "Ahh Naomi ur eyes r really beautiful, just wnted to get ur attention *cue creepy smile*
    tbh mate, im in a rush i jus came to get sum shopping from my mums car "OHHH, SO YOU LIVE ROUND HERE THEN? :D" .......yes :(
    "then y aint i seen u b4? what do u do? where abouts do u live, do u have a boyfriend?" YES (lie) "but do u live with him? ;)"...YES (another lie)
    "Can i get ur number?" no sorry, im actually in a rush, "AHHH BUT I WANT IT! HOW ABOUT U MEET ME BAK OUT HERE IN AN HOUR BABE?"
    Erm nah I dnt really want to if im honest "Nahh I'll wait for u, u said ur name's Naomi yeah? cool I'll be here"
    So i power walk away into my car, try to waste time to see if he walks off, NOPE! he was still standing there watching the carrr :( :(
    I come out n try run away.. "NAOMI! YOU GOT A PEN IN THE CAR? CHECK FOR A PEN SO U CAN TAKE MY NUMBER DOWN" nahh i DONT WANT ur number!
    "LOLOLOL, AITE, ONE HOUR YEAH, THEN U CAN COME BACK TO MINE TO CHILL FOR A BIT *cue psychotic look in eyes :)"                *I start to walk off* look bak hes still there
    NOW my house is smack bang across the road from where we are in my view and most definitely no doubt in his view too, now my mum is prob thinking "hmm Tolus been out for a bit now..what's taking her so long?" but there is NO way I'm walking into my house right now
    so i walk Past it but the next turn is toooo far down i look back, i can see him looking for me FML
    i just had to cross back over i cudnt hack not being safe at home.
    Then i thought u know what FUCK IT, im goin in my house why am i letting this douchebag stop me?
    (Erm maybe because he'll know where you live and haunt you forever? :)
    He saw me walkin back towards him but i kno this must have been GOD
    he just started to walk off...THANK YOU JESUS.
    i rannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn to my front door and locked that sheet behind me boy.
when 10:30 hits he said he'll be back there waiting for me.

If at 10:40 there is a knock on my door. Just know I have a new stalker.

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